Evangelism Resources

To learn how to use these tracts, click here.

Note: Due to space limitations, the printable tracts have less info than the online ones, but they do contain what is fully needed to get the point across.

For the Catholicism Tract (online version), click here.
For the printable pdf version, click here.

For the Christian Science Tract (online version), [in the works].
For the printable pdf version, click [in the works].

For the Eastern Orthodox Tract (online version), [in the works].
For the printable pdf version, click [in the works].

For the Islam Tract (online version), [in the works].
For the printable pdf version click, [in the works].

For the Jehovah's Witnesses Tract (online version), click here.
For the printable pdf version, click here.

For considering joining the Jehovah's Witnesses Tract (online version), click here.
For the printable pdf version, click here.

For the Judaism Tract (online version), [in the works].
For the printable pdf version click, [in the works].

For the Mormonism (LDS) Tract (online version), click here.
For the printable pdf version, click here.

Various "works" related passages refuted here.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this issue, please don't hesitate to email us; we'd be happy to talk with you: elderchuck@mail.com.

To learn more about the Biblical gospel (first law to the proud, then grace to the humble) we recommend as resources:
Hell's Best Kept Secret,  

NeedGod.com and
