Worship on the Lord's Day
at Five Solas Church

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.  (John 4:24)

God declared good His finished work of creating the heavens and the earth. Though fallen, many aspects of the profane, that is, those things outside the sanctuary, remain good and a genuine gift from God and contribute to an abundant life. However, that does not mean that all good things rightly belong in worship. Accordingly, Five Solas follows the Regulative Principle of worship, which is to say we restrict worship to those elements prescribed by God in Scripture.

Yet, we are not Pharisees or legalists. In our worship service expect to encounter ordered worship as instituted by God, but within that order expect worship that arises from a move of the Spirit and hearts that have been changed by His grace, mercy, peace, love, and, above all, by the recognition that the sovereign God is holy, holy, holy.
Soli Deo Gloria.

Sermons take their authority and subject matter directly from the Word, adhering faithfully to Sola Scriptura. In relation, we also affirm our faith in Tota Scriptura, which has to do with embracing the whole counsel of God as it is revealed in the entirety of sacred Scripture (Matthew 4:4). 

Offerings are not solicited at Five Solas. Rather, our giving time is a brief exhortation on all manner of giving, rather than a passing of offering plates, as Five Solas Church never begs for money. 

The sacrament of communion is executed every Sunday and is open to all believers in Christ, baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who have sufficiently examined themselves prior to taking the sacrament (1 Corinthians 11:17–34). We do fence (guard) the table against anyone with open (public) unrepentant sin in their life.

Service typically runs approximately seventy-five minutes, from 10 AM to 11:15 with Bible & Confessional teaching beginning at 9:40. 

Service Times:
Sundays  9:40 AM Bible/Confession Instruction; 10 AM Main Service

Wednesdays  6 PM Bible study, fellowship


Preparation (a brief moment to prepare one's heart for worship)
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Call To Worship -- Habakkuk 2:20


Worship In Song

Old Testament Reading

New Testament Reading

Gospel Proclamation


Instruction On Giving

Instruction Of Children In The Word



Worship In Song


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Immediately following service, our Connection Center is open for consultation, questions, and prayer.


Music at Five Solas Church

Worship music at Five Solas is strongly guarded against non-Biblical theology, as well as any worldly or pseudo-Christian influences.

Children at Five Solas Church

Soli Deo Gloria! God has blessed the Five Solas Church with wonderful families and children. While we do not consider ourselves a family integrated church; we value the family in worship and our children are not separated from their families during service.


We contend this conforms to the pattern illustrated in Scripture, and assists parents in fulfilling their Scriptural mandate to train up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, as well as practically teaching by example a right and true worship in the presence of the Holy God. As such, Five Solas worships as a covenant community, the body of Christ before the sovereign God. 


We recognize that for some families, this is a new concept.  While we certainly understand the developmental stages of children and the inherent noises and distractions that come with those stages, we also seek to respect the needs of others in the congregation and the seriousness of corporate worship.


To that end, we encourage families to help their children be welcome participants in the service by bringing quiet toys or books to help occupy their attention.  For our guests we provide activity bags filled with coloring books and crayons.  There is also a cry room for the littlest ones should they become restless and distracting during the service. We encourage parents to be alert to whether their children are becoming a distraction, and to take appropriate action.


Prior to the sermon, there is a teaching moment where children are invited up front to learn a lesson from God's Word.


Periodically, we offer workshops to equip parents to fulfill God’s design for families, including creative ways to teach children to be pleasant participants in corporate worship services.

Dress and Service

Sunday dress at Five Solas ranges from casual to suit and tie; It is predominantly business casual. We are unaware of any who have felt uncomfortable at Five Solas on account of their attire, so come as your conscience dictates. We ask that those in attendance refrain from provocative clothing, or lack thereof.